EFCA December Newsletter discusses Public Procurement

Dec 19, 2018

The European Federation of Engineering Consultancy Associations have released their December 2018 newsletter. It features interesting articles on topics such as public procurement and climate change targets.

Kevin Rudden, Garland CEO and EFCA President discusses the need for a standardised price / quality ratio to be implemented in public procurement. In the past, public procurers have often opted for the supplier who tendered the lowest price to avoid public criticism. Recognising the need to consider quality along with price in public procurement the European legislator moved towards the Most Economically Advantage Tender (MEAT) option which considers both price and quality. However as the weightings assigned to quality and price are decided randomly without guidance the move away from lowest price to most economically advantageous hasn't been fully realised yet.


Mr. Rudden suggests introducing standardised ratios, commenting "one way of simplifying the introduction of quality criteria in public procurement would consist of introducing a standardised price/quality ratio assessment. The overall challenge is to standardise the points of quality and price in order to obtain the intended weights materialised in the evaluation. Variation in price and quality must be taken into account as to reach an unbiased evaluation.”

 You can read this full story, and other EFCA news here. 

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