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Assigned Certifier
We offer Assigned Certifer services. The Building Control Amendment Regulations 2014 (BCAR) came into force on the 1st March 2014. The Regulations were introduced following recent high profile cases dealing with building control issues in Ireland. Some of the key features of the Amendments are the introduction of a new role within the Construction Industry, the Assigned Certifier and the introduction of a number of new certificates and undertakings. The amendments have also introduced a "Code of Practice Inspecting and Certifying Buildings and Works" and an online Building Control Management System (BCMS).
What legislation are the amendments related to?
- S.I. No. 9 of 2014 Building Control (Amendment) Regulations 2014
- S.I. No. 105 of 2014 Building Control (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2014
What do the Building Control Amendment Regulations 2014 apply to?
- New Dwellings – houses and apartments
- Extensions with a floor area greater than 40 square metre
- Buildings and works that require a fire safety certificate (Part III)
The Regulations have created a brand new role within the Irish Construction Industry, the Assigned Certifier. This is a brand new role and requires particular attention. The Assigned Certifier must be a Chartered Engineer, Registered Architect or a Registered Building Surveyor. Under the Regulations they are required to inspect, coordinate inspections and certify the building or works on completion. The Assigned Certifier does not have to be a member of the design team.
GARLAND are Providing Building Control and Assigned Certifier Services
Based on our team's expertise in Design, Project Management, Health and Safety, and Building/Construction Regulations, Garland are providing the services of Assigned Certifier and Design Certifier to our clients. We are currently engaged in projects as designer and Assigned Certifier under the new Building Control Amendment Regulations and our expertise with the new regulations and BCMS system may be invaluable to the successful completion of your project. From our offices in Dublin, Limerick and Waterford, we have already successfully completed a number of projects under the new system without any delay at handover.
Check out our extensive guide to the BCAR Regulations or get in touch to find out what we can realise for your project.